32 Hectare Ocean View

Located just 6 miles away from the stunning beaches of Tamarindo and Playa Grande, this beautiful ocean view development property has had all the hard work done for you!
The well on the property has been given over to the local water board (ASADA) in exchange for the legal right to water.
The property for sale has concrete roads within the development at substantial costs. Electricity has been brought to the property line and roads along the 800m public road frontage have been recently widened.
This was originally part of a larger project started 12 years ago that fell victim to the economic downturn in 2008. Since then Banco Desyfin has been successfully selling lots next door at $50 per square meter!
When the current owner bought this property five years ago, much of the property was overgrazed and in poor shape.
Through much time and effort, the property has been brought back to a much more natural state of beauty.
Currently, there are approximately 2,500 five-year-old teak trees on the property and a hectare of twenty-year-old Pachote trees which are highly sought after local hardwood.
The new owner can sit back and literally watch their investment grow before their eyes or harvest the trees to develop the land as they wish.
It is important to mention that this property also includes large swaths of intermediate to dense forest cover. At this time the property has an 800 square foot concrete structure that is used as a workshop and lumber mill.
There are many options to what you can do to this land; eco-reserve project, private community, yoga retreat, equestrian center, private ranch or just keep it the way it is! At less than $5 per square meter, this is well under the local market value.